A massive selection of metallic colours in a variety of shades

Darkstar Molten Metals is a boutique company dedicated to providing the best True Metallic Metals paints for Hobbyists. We’ve worked to develop specialised formulas that provide great coverage, whilst maintaining model details, and without loss of that all-important strong metallic sheen and smooth finish.
Not only do Darkstar Molten Metals bring a brilliant set of paints to your hobby desk, but by providing an extensive range of metallic colours we’ve helped liven up any paint scheme with more complementary and interesting colour choices.

A quality, highly metallic finish, with a solid and smooth coverage.
Excellent quality, every time.

Try out the special Darkstar Molten Metals Intro Bundle

Five paints and one thinner, everything you need to get started or try out our paints.

Only £20 + free postage

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Specialist Colours and Classic Washes

Having expanded from our initial offering of 18 Molten Metals at launch back in 2013, our current range sits at 27 metallic colours, 8 precious stone metallics, and 4 classic washes.

We have created unique metallics, breaking away from traditional gold, silver, steel colours. With a range of 8 lustrous colours, mirroring those of precious stones you can paint Reds, Blues, Purples and Greens with an inherent metallic sheen.

A range of four washes, in a formula familiar to many veteran hobbyists. Black, Sepia, an earth tone, and a flesh tone, these washes perform exactly how you would want them to, and how you remember washes working from days gone by.

We strive to help painters reach the next level of their hobby potential. Through a massive array of consistently top-quality paints, any level of hobbyist, from new starters, all the way up to competition winners, will be able to unlock more of their painting skills with Darkstar Molten Metals.

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